We Believe That Manufacturing
Is Essential to Life

To persist, any industrial company has to embrace new ways of being, and of doing.
Company and Mission

Do better, with less.
We are here to help you in this journey.

We help you dramatically improve your factory performance by providing SaaS twins that are used to visualize, analyze, and decide effectively. It results in the maximization of profit thru the reduction of capital and operational expenditures, whatever the status of the factory: design / re-configuration, ramp-up, or production.

In concrete terms, our involvement in the design phase of a factory prevents missteps with an average of 20% saving on the investment. When a factory operates in a steady state, our solution can help increase its production at minimum cost or reduce its costs through optimal production control or inventory reduction.

Company and Mission

Do better, with less, daily.
We power-up your decisions with real time analysis.

The advent of Industry 4.0 and related technologies - easy access to data, AI, and modern visualization tools - brought the best conditions to materialize our vision.

We felt that the moment was right to bring to the world algorithms and solutions that have seldom been tested successfully by a few people in a few companies.

We leveraged 30+ years of research at MIT and elsewhere, Industry 4.0 technologies, to develop solutions that help our clients visualize, analyze, understand and make the most cost-effective decisions.

Company and Mission

Do better, with less. Supported.
We are equipped to tackle any event in your factory.

Nelson Mandela once said, “I never lose. I either win or I learn.” At Dillygence, we strive to do both. We put a great deal of effort to develop our people and grow their expertise while building the company thru relentless achievements.

We define « success » as a happy client. Our team endeavors to exceed our clients’ expectations. To this end, we use our expertise and uniquely customizable solutions to help our clients optimize their factories and maximize their profit. It is as simple as it gets.

A Team
at Your Service

Solving complex problems and delivering user-friendly solutions requires people with expertise and different backgrounds who produce and churn ideas that lead to superior solutions. Our team is uniquely equipped to this end. Most importantly, they all share a deep understanding of factory physics.

Alain Patchong
Alain Patchong
Chief Executive Officer

A former scholar at MIT, an expert in industrial performance and Industry 4.0, with more than 20 years of experience in expert and management positions in large companies - HEC degree, Engineer in Robotics and AI, Ph.D. in Automation.

Thierry Bur
Thierry Bur
Chief Operating Officer

More than 25 years of expertise in operational performance, supply chain management, and management of large industrial and IT projects acquired in the automotive industry and in consulting. He is also an expert of supply chain planning, demand management and of inventory management.

Stanley Gershwin
Stanley Gershwin
Chief Scientific Officer

A world-renowned expert in production systems, operations research, and advanced analytics, he was a Senior Research Scientist at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and at the Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity at MIT since 1988 - Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Harvard

James Schor
James Schor
Chief Solutions Officer

An expert in simulation and advanced analytics, he co-founded Analytics Operations Engineering and has worked on behalf of many large companies in the United States - an MIT graduate.

Loren Werner
Loren Werner
Chief Technology Officer

20+ years of experience in quantitative modeling, predictive analytics, process optimization, planning & scheduling, data mining, and statistical analysis applied across a wide range of industries. Co-founded D34ME AI Solutions, a cloud-based software company - MS in Operations Research from MIT.

Meryll Dindin
Meryll Dindin
Technical Advisor

Graduate of both the University of California, Berkeley and Centrale Paris, he is an expert in data science. Co-Founder of Polygon, a Santa Monica based startup, he brings a set of tools and advices best fitted for tech-heavy products and growth.


We offer training courses in Industry 4.0 in collaboration with Plateforme France Industrie 4.0 and CentraleSupélec.

Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0

Dillygence Received Several Recognitions

La French Fab
CCI Paris
Paris Région Business Club
La Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes
La French Tech
Saint Germain Boucles de Seine
Paris Région
Crédit d'impôt recherche
Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l'innovation
La French Fab
CCI Paris
Paris Région Business Club
La Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes
La French Tech
Saint Germain Boucles de Seine
Paris Région
Crédit d'impôt recherche
Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l'innovation